Basic Weight Loss Kit

It is a proven science that modifying or shifting one’s own mental signals towards a set of stimuli can help alter a habit one is desiring to change. There is no greater example of this than in the self administered discipline of weight loss.
Hemi-Sync CDs, like Energy Walk, Eat No Eat, De-Tox, and Nutricia each play their own part in creating greater balance and harmony, regulating the brain’s response to hunger signals and to sensory stimulation from aroma, and regulating mental signals having to do with digestive efficiency.
Learn more about the Basic Weight Loss Kit at
Weight Control Kit

Taking the above Basic Weight Loss kit to a more complete set, 3 more powerful Hemi-Sync exercises can be utilized in addition to the Basic Wieight Loss Kit to enhance your mental commitment to total wellness* in body, mind and spirit.
*It’s important to note here that while Hemi-Sync CDs or information are not meant to replace the advice or treatment of a qualified health professional, they may be used as an accessory to an existing diet or regimen.
The Weight Control Kit includes the Basic Weight Loss Kit plus the following 3 CDs or tapes:
Eight Great – Boost your self-esteem.
De-Hab – Eliminate or diminish undesirable mental, emotional or physical habits.
Relax – Learn to overcome physical, mental, and emotional stress.
Learn more about the Weight Control CD Kit at
Weightloss Hypnotherapy.
The weightloss CD exercises described here in this section can be ideal tools to help support such an approach. Hypnotherapy is usually a service that involves a skilled or certified professional administering a therapy. This approach employs a variety of hypnotic techniques to get the recipient to be resistant to a former behavior, or accentuate a new, over-riding response to a previously predictable set of stimuli.
However the approach is employed, one thing to make clear is Hemi-Sync’s role in the process of creating a receptive brain state is controllable by the listener. The listener is always in command and there is no subliminal or unheard verbal suggestions within the sound process. The only considering when listening to Hemi-Sync is to not combine listening with the operation of a vehicle or heavy equipment.