You will enjoy the restorative benefits of a good night’s rest with Sound Sleeper, another great Hemi-Sync audio guidance sleep CD.
Sound Sleeper Track 1, verbal guidance relaxes you while Hemi-Sync® sound patterns guide you into a totally refreshing Delta sleep. Track 2 features soothing sound effects embedded with Hemi-Sync® to continue your deep sleep cycle.
You may wish to experiment with each Sound Sleeper Track separately, or play the entire title continuously. Previously, the use of ear buds, headphones or speakers placed on either side of the bed was recommended in using Hemi-Sync CDs for sleep.
With the advent of the Sleepsonic digital headphones embedded in a pillow, many people have switched to this comfortable solution.
(Mind Food – Track 1 – Verbal; Track 2 – Nonverbal) Total 70 min.
Sond Sleeper is available at online store, where more Sleep CDs can be found.