Too Much TV Can Make Kids Anti-Social, Says Study
According to this report published in the March 25, 2013 edition of Archives of Disease in Childhood, Five-year-olds can develop poorer social skills and are more predisposed to fight, steal and other anti-social tendencies by age 7. Surprisingly, researchers found that children’s time on video games or the computer did not effect behavior compared to…
How Binaural Beats Can Help You
Basically, binaural beats are generated sounds designed to modify your brainwaves to influence moods and change addictive behavior patterns. You can also achieve certain beneficial states of consciousness which can yield enhanced relaxation or sleep. Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered the process in 1839 and the effects of binaural beats have been the focus of many…
Better Sleep for You and Your Children
While the Winter Holidays brings excitement and fun for parents and their children, other factors can keep a family away from a good sleep and restorative night of rest. For children, sleep is a vital part of their physical health and mental growth. Studies show lack of enough sleep has been linked to memory problems,…
Keep It Low Tech: Compact Discs Are Better for Family Gatherings
The smooth, glistening shine of a compact disc. Somehow in its youth 20 some-odd years ago, the compact disc even shared the appeal of both futurists and die hard LP record lovers. That was the Golden Age of the CD. Back in its Golden Age, the Audio CD held more data than any other commercially…
Autistic children who live with pets have stronger social skills
Previous studies show that pets encourage social interaction, and there have been reports of dogs helping children with autism develop their social skills. But before this new study, from a researcher at the University of Missouri (MU), nobody had shown this might also true of other types of pets. Dr. Gretchen Carlisle, research fellow in…
Doctor-Recommended Advice for an ADHD Child
With school starting soon it’s time to consider ways to support better attention habits for your child. If your child can’t focus, constantly runs around, is overly mischievous and won’t sit still in the classroom, it could signal attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder – the most commonly diagnosed neuro-behavioral disorder among kids. ADHD affects 1 in every…
The Beautiful, Monumental Soundtrack of Inception
Buy Online at Hans Zimmer’s sound track “Time” for Inception captured not only the closing scene of the movie. It touched upon an enduring human capacity to overcome adversity, a quality all humans possess. Allow this portion of the soundtrack to uplift you and inspire you. You can even close your eyes and listen…
Chill Out and Relax with Buddha Lounge
Ever since Deep Forest and Enya, the world fusion genre has been steadily growing in popularity. Evoking contemplative mental imagery while also being fit as background music for social gatherings or creative projects, Buddha Lounge has some of the best music for supporting future forward ambiance. This music also projects a hopeful theme of harmony…
How Can Meditation Music Benefit You?
You know that meditation in its multiple forms and techniques has beneficial results on living a more productive and healthier life. Taking into account the growing evidence of how meditation really does help people who practice it the next step for you is to think about for meditation is what enhances it – and most…
The Latest Research on the Sleep Benefits of Music & Sounds
Sleep problems are nothing new to anyone living in the modern world. Regular sleep deprivation is one of the commonly accepted yet least understood issues for anyone wanting to learn more about self administered techniques that can improve their sleep and health overall. This could be why any new research on sleep is now considered…
The Power of Concentration
One of our readers forwarded this wondrous example of concentration being gently executed. Miyoko Shida’s makes it look effortless and magical for the Spanish TV program “Tú Sí Que Vales” (“You Can Do It”). Check out her performance on “You Can Do It”:
Hoarding Now Defined As A Distinct Disorder
Where the clutter in one’s environment may represent the clutter in their mind, NY Times is showing some extreme cases that put into focus the urgency for organizing not only the mind of the affected individual but also their living space. And until recently, hoarding was not defined as a distinct disorder, although many would…
Sleep Deficits and ADHD
Vatsal G. Thakkar treats many adults for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms. As a doctor who treats these cases, he establishes that their symptoms start in childhood. In his recent article to the New York Times, he describes an examination of a new patient with ADHD symptoms and discovers this person has no previous childhood history…
Take a Metamusic Meditation Music Break
Beautifully composed instrumental and digitized music compositions by today’s leading ambient music artists blended with Hemi-Sync can enhance relaxation, meditation and stress relief. The You Tube video title says it all! Enjoy. Browse More Hemi-Sync Metamusic Titles.
Proof of Heaven Book
A SCIENTIST’S CASE FOR THE AFTERLIFE Thousands of people have had near-death experiences, but scientists have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those scientists. A highly trained neurosurgeon, Alexander knew that NDEs feel real, but are simply fantasies produced by brains under extreme stress. Then, Dr. Alexander’s own brain was…