The Shaman’s Heart by Byron Metcalf
Shamanism is an ancient spiritual system that helps one remain “heart centered” in the face of adversity—a hallmark of spiritual maturity that Don Juan referred to as traveling “a path with a heart.” The spellbinding shamanic stylings of Byron Metcalf, and guest artist Steve Roach, are combined with Hemi-Sync® to transport you into the infinite…
Between Worlds by Don Peyote and Naasko
Listening to Between Worlds evokes dreamlike sensations from a shamanic landscape. The captivating shamanic music of Don Peyote and Naasko is combined with Hemi-Sync® to guide your inner journey. Sounds from the rain forest contribute to the surreal, organic ambience. Vivid images emerge as time blurs and the world disappears. For optimum results, listen to…
Dreamcatcher by Don Peyote and Naasko
Dreams are gateways to the soul. Drift gently into the mystical dreamstate with soothing ambient music, calming water sounds and Hemi-Sync®. Don Peyote and Naasko bring their shamanic influence to bear in this versatile composition. Dreamcatcher supports deep, restorative sleep when used in continuous play. It may also be used for massage therapy, subtle energy…